Perl Batch Client
From Textserver wiki
1 #! /usr/bin/perl
3 ########################################################################
4 #
5 # Example client to submit a batch request to TextServer
6 # SERVICENAME service, and wait for the job to be finished.
7 #
8 # Input must be a ZIP file containing one or more text files to analyze
9 # Output will be a ZIP file containing results for each input file in
10 # the requested format (XML, json, conll)
11 #
12 ########################################################################
14 use strict;
16 # import needeed libraries
17 use HTTP::Request::Common;
18 use LWP::UserAgent;
19 use XML::Twig;
20 use XML::LibXML;
22 # get query parameters
23 print "Input ZIP file: ";
24 my $fname=<>; chomp $fname;
25 print "Language: ";
26 my $lang=<>; chomp $lang;
27 print "Output format (xml,json,conll,naf): ";
28 my $out=<>; chomp $out;
29 print "TextServer username: ";
30 my $user=<>; chomp $user;
31 print "TextServer password: ";
32 my $pwd=<>; chomp $pwd;
34 # URL for the requested service
35 my $TextServer_URL = "";
36 my $service = "SERVICENAME";
38 # create user agent
39 my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
41 # send request to server
42 my $resp = $ua->post($TextServer_URL."/processQuery/".$service,
43 Content_Type => 'form-data',
44 Content => [
45 username => $user,
46 password => $pwd,
47 file => [$fname],
48 language => $lang,
49 output => $out,
50 interactive => "0"
51 ]
52 );
54 # check for success in connection
55 die $resp->status_line." - ".$resp->decoded_content."\n" unless $resp->is_success;
57 # Server response should include a job tokenID, retrieve it
58 my $twig= new XML::Twig();
59 $twig->parse($resp->decoded_content);
60 my $tkid = $twig->root->text("job_token_id");
61 print "Job sumbitted. Token id=$tkid\n";