Example Clients

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Revision as of 18:01, 19 January 2016 by Padro (Talk | contribs)

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To call a TextServer service from a client program running on your side, this client needs to send the appropriate request in the right format.

The request is a standard HTTP POST request with a multiform part containing the same information you would submit via the web interface.

Below you'll find a list of example client programs in different programming languages.

The same code can be used to access any TextServer service with small variations:

  • Simply change the service name in the URL to access a different service. You can find out the service name at the top of the "Execute" form of your subscribed services.
  • Replace the parameters in the example client with the parametes that the called service requires. Rules are simple:
    • Language identification service does not require a "language" parameter, but the other services do.
    • All services require a "interactive" parameter stating whether the job is interactive or batch.
    • All services require either a "text_input" parameter (for interactive jobs) or a "input_file" parameter (for batch jobs).
    • You can find out the name of any other specific parameters for a service in the "Execute" form of your subscribed services.